Please Note for this tournament

  • Boxes or laptop computers may be delivered to the Extemp Prep Area between 10:00 - 10:30 am. Make sure your computers are charged.
  • EXTEMP HAS PRIORITY! If you are in other speech events, be sure you schedule your time so you do not miss your draw time. The times are fixed and if you are late to the prep room, your prep time is shortened. Extemp speaker positions cannot be switched or changed.

The Resolve Early Tournament will follow the Extemporaneous rules on the Stoa Website

Extemp Rules
Extemp Prep Room Protocol

Liability - Please read carefully

1. Competitors are responsible for the security of their electronic equipment, file boxes, and/or published media.
2. Tournament staff are not responsible for the devices at any time.
3. All file boxes and/or electronic devices must be labeled with the name of the competitor and club.
4. Tournaments are not required nor expected to provide power sources for electronic devices.